Over taking needs to be done safely and quickly, so acceleration and merging both need to be clean, while Over taking must be completed in safe conditions. In order to successfully complete the Over taking, the editor of Aobang Shanghai Car Rental Company shares the Over taking driving skills of novices to talk about Shanghai Car Rental

(1) Seeing the six roads. Since Over taking requires borrowing lanes, you must observe the condition of the lane to be borrowed before Over taking, and you can use the skill of merging to safely merge into the next lane. In addition to observing the driving conditions of vehicles in the next lane, it is also necessary to observe the driving conditions of vehicles in front of the car to be Over taken. In addition, before Over taking, it is also necessary to observe whether the car in front of it is going to Over take, and if so, then you have to wait for the Over taking of the car in front before Over taking.
(2) Downshift and speed up. This is to achieve maximum acceleration in the shortest possible time . To achieve this, when driving an automatic transmission model, it is necessary to quickly press the accelerator to the bottom so that the transmission can continuously downshift, thereby obtaining a large amount of drive torque. And for the manual transmission, you need to first downshift, and then quickly press the accelerator to accelerate. The purpose of downshift acceleration is because the throttle response is fast in low gears and the torque is large for rapid acceleration.
(3) Left and right. Over taking is usually Over taken from the left, and the innermost lane of many roads used to be the passing lane, so first accelerate to the left and merge, complete the parallel steering wheel back to the right and accelerate straight to a safe distance, and then merge to the right into the original lane. In this process, avoid continuous paralleling, that is, just Over taking the Over taken vehicle, and then immediately return to the original lane, so that it is easy to collide with the Over taken vehicle. It is best to accelerate straight after the first merge, look at the rearview mirror, if you see the Over taken vehicle in the rearview mirror, then it must be safe to merge at this time . The essentials of Over taking from the right are the same.
(4) When it is quiet, it is slow. When the driving encounters the stationary vehicle in front and needs to Over take, especially when the road surface is very narrow, it must be slow when Over taking, and be ready to stop at any time to prevent the stationary front vehicle from suddenly opening the door and colliding.
The above is the Aobang Shanghai car rental company“Shanghai Car Rental Talks about Over taking driving skills for beginners”All content, For more car rental information, please visit the official website of Aobang Car Rental.